Assurena Insurance Agency is an independent insurance brokerage agency that carries some of the best coverage options in the entire New USA.

Our Contacts

88 Centre Street North,
Toronto L4W 1C9
+1 (419)-507-0468
+1 (213)-345-0468

Working Hours

9.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 4.00

BMS install can be full of cabling and configurations

MindoLife's building management system transforms a building into a smart building with ease.

The system will automatically connect and set up all your Modbus-compatible devices without requiring manual configurations and technical skills.

MindoLife BMS can manage a vast range of assets usually installed in buildings

Here is a list of the brands MindoLife BMS already supports. Those featured companies provide HVAC products, Energy meters, Air-quality sensors, and more

How the system works?

The advanced MindoLife BMS provides wireless IoT-based connectivity to the building systems, such as HVAC systems, Energy meters, Air-Quality sensors, Lighting, and motion sensors. And enable monitoring and control over such systems.
After a simple installation of the IoT controllers, MindoLife BMS starts with collecting data from the connected devices. 
MindoLife IoT controller is controlling the building devices over the Modbus standard.

MindoLife BMS enables a standard integration with other common BMS view Modbus & BACnet protocols

Why choosing MindoLife for your customers?

An advanced building management system with a unique features and added values

MindoLife’s system provides unique features for monitoring, controlling, and managing your Lighting, HVAC system, sensors, and other assets.

Simple install, setup & config

Secure remote access

Advanced automation engine

Rich usage reports

Scheduled ON-Off commands

Cloud management system

HVAC system failure alerts

Advanced control mobile app

System components

Our team will be happy to provide a live demo and discuss your needs

Let's have a talk!!

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